Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The next 40 days...

Today is Ash Wednesday. It marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the most difficult season for me. I think it is so difficult on purpose! I think that it's supposed to be a long and tough season -- like the journey the people of Israel were on for 40 YEARS and like the time Jesus spent at the outset of his "public ministry" where he was fasting for 40 days in the wilderness being tempted.

For me Lent is tough, not simply because its so long, but because I fail every time! I can't remember the last time I ended the season of Lent by breaking a fast I had kept faithfully the whole time or by celebrating the way that God had changed me. Instead I usually celebrate Easter by remembering that I'm regretfully the same person I was 40 days ago!

This year I'm seeking to fast in much the same way that I have the last two years. I want to get to bed a bit earlier and to rise significantly earlier each morning in order to spend time in prayer and reading Scripture and journaling. It is my hope that by doing this I will be letting God have that first part of the day before anyone else has access to me.

I can't explain all of the reasons why this is something I sense God longing to see happen in my life but the simplest way to say it is that I know that I can meet God uninterrupted from 5:30 to 6:30 AM each morning if I would only get my butt out of bed and keep that appointment.

I wonder what you sense God calling you to do in order that you might meet w/ the Lord who is so passionate about you that he ordered His whole life around being able to have the chance to meet w/ you.

What are you giving up or taking on in order to let God make you more and more into the person you see when you look into the life of Christ?

Who can help you keep this fast?


  1. Yeah...I struggle with this too. My first experience of Lent was in the military high school I attended. It was Episcopalian and, in the chapel, had this beautiful triptych portraying Christ's ascension. I will never forget the feeling I had when we marched into church on the first Sunday of Lent and the triptych was closed. Nor will I forget the feeling of Easter Morning when, like a friend truly rising from the dead, it was opened again to reveal once again the beauty of Christ.

    Ever since, I have tried in some small way to recapture that time - which was, looking back, incredibly formative for my faith. I have given up caffeine, desserts, buying books and a whole litany of other things, only to discover that I am the same man on Easter Morning as I was on Ash Wednesday.

    This year my sense was to do more than just "surrender" - but to add. Like you, I feel that God is there for me to experience if I will keep the appointment. The actual "work" for me, though, is a 40 day reading schedule from Genesis-Revelation. It will take significant chunks of time, but I am confident that, in doing this, I will emerge from Lent on Easter Sunday a changed man.

    I will be praying for you as you embark on your quest!

    (joe boggs)

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Tony.

    I'm giving up music and radio, things I love dearly, but things which fill the quiet places of my days. I've been giving these up every year for lent for a few years now, and I notice that I hear from God more regularly when the quiet space is truly quiet. He speaks when I listen.

    by the way, we just found out I will be changing school schedules, meaning we will be having chunks of time throughout the year off. Alabama, here we come!

  3. Joe - I have some similar stories from my childhood! Super formative for me to this day!! Thanks for taking the time to share the way you will be walking through this season. I don't know why, but that helps me when my alarm goes off and I really don't want to move.

    Brian - First things first... YEAHY! Come on down!!!
    I am the same way -- noisy! It's like I'll do almost anything to be busy and noisy, though I can't explain why. I really want to move slow and quiet (and sleepy) through these 40 days hoping that I'll perhaps change the usual pace I keep.
    Let's talk sometime soon!


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