Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Coming of Advent

Advent is still a couple weeks away, but at the HUB we've already turned our attention to that season.  The main reason for getting a jump on Advent is so that we get a full four weeks to sit with the themes, songs, scriptures, and message of Advent before the end of quarters, finals, and holiday travel plans disrupt our time together.  

I've always celebrated Advent.  I grew up Catholic and so we celebrated all the church seasons... on Sundays at mass and in our home, my Mom was (and still is) very good w/ this kinda thing.  

I asked our youth last night how many of them do something to celebrate Advent w/ their families.  In a room of 40 or so folks maybe 5 or 6 of them raised a hand.  The ones who do celebrate in their homes do much what I have always done: Advent Calendar counting down the days til Christmas, Advent Wreath lighting a candle each of the four weeks.  

I also asked what this season is for, why does the Church celebrate Advent?  Why does the Church think we need Advent?  

None of us, including myself, could really offer anything beyond something like, "It helps us get ready for Jesus' coming at Christmas."  Which I think is a good response.  But I know, for me anyway, that usually hasn't meant anything more than a kind of sentimental getting ready to see how cute baby Jesus is going to be... or something.  

That seems so shallow, so weak -- and its no wonder most of us don't celebrate a season like that... cause honestly, what's the point!

But I don't think that is really Advent.  I think that Advent is much more jarring than that, even kinda, I don't know, disturbing maybe -- like an untimely pregnancy or unexpected news from the doctor that sets your whole life in a completely different course where you have no choice but to prepare and get ready for the new reality that is breaking in upon you.  

That's Advent.  And the Church "celebrates" a season like this and thinks that I need a season like this precisely because I don't live my life in the light of the reality of God's Kingdom as it is breaking in upon us.  And it is during this season that we read the parts of our Bible that remind me and you to, "Be awake, be alert, shake off your sleep, don't get caught up in the worries of this life, make straight the path, prepare the way of the Lord, stand ready, look up, your salvation is dawning!"  

So count down the days!  Light some candles!!  Talk about it w/ your kidos when you sit down to eat!!!  The Kingdom is coming, the Kingdom is coming!!!!

Happy (almost) Advent     


  1. amen brother! We need to come up with a good tradition. Lunch Next week?

  2. Sounds good. I'll give you a call tomorrow.


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