Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Just how hard is it, Jesus?"

This week I began preparing for our next discussion series at the HUB.  We will be spending the next few Wed. nights walking through Mark chapter 10.  We start off w/ the story of the rich man (Mark 10:17-31).  After the rich man goes on his way, sad that Jesus asks so much of him, Jesus says, "Man it's hard for rich people to get into God's Kingdom!"  And his disciples are shocked.  Once again Jesus comments, "It is SO hard to be saved!"  To which Jesus' disciples say, "Just how hard is it?!?"  "Well, Jesus says, it's... impossible!  Except for God.  For God everything is possible, even salvation!"  

Sometimes... most of the time, youth ministry is complicated and messy.  It's difficult to measure growth, for every success there are five let downs.  You'll see the same people worship God in one moment turn around and act and speak and treat one another horribly in the next. 
And it's at those times when I feel like a huge failure, incapable of the task set before me, and I ask Jesus, "Just how hard is it?!?!"  And I want him to say, "Not too hard.  You just need to pray a little more or spend a few more hours reading Scripture, or have a better plan."  But instead Jesus replies, "Tony, it's IMPOSSIBLE!  You can't do it.  It's easier for pigs to fly.  BUT everything is possible for God." 

And like the disciples, I'm pretty sure I don't know exactly what Jesus is talking about and I'm still pretty concerned, but I none-the-less feel the courage to continue this work, waiting and hoping to see God do the impossible right before my eyes.

I wonder what impossible thing God is doing in and around you.   


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